
Total Software 解决方案 for 犹太社区中心

How Freedom Software™ Can Help Your Organization

立博客户端app下载 has been serving the Jewish community for more than 20 years, providing domain expertise and a total software solution that empowers Jewish community centers (JCCs) to serve their members better. Our software spans across your organization's marketing, 会员, 销售, 以及财务部门, allowing your entire staff to work together on a single platform in perfect harmony. The unifying effect of Freedom™ removes productivity barriers and frees up your team to focus on organizational goals.

With Freedom™’s robust content management software (CMS) functionality, your organization can craft a beautiful, interactive website that serves your organizational needs and engages your members with news articles, 博客文章, 调查/民意调查, 音频/视频内容, member-generated内容, 和更多的. You can keep your members up to date through email marketing, 社交媒体分享工具, 和RSS频道. 进一步, our MMS provides your staff with the tools it needs to manage your members: build detailed member profiles, 向分组发送电子邮件, 创建注册表单, enable signups for programs and childcare, 和更多的. 

有问题? 立博客户端app下载 Freedom™ Provides the 解决方案.
  • Given that JCCs compete with other community/youth organizations, websites need to be attractive and feature accessible information.
  • 立博客户端app下载 provides excellent website designs focused on the user experience and the latest design trends. Our easy-to-use CMS gives you the freedom to update your website with the most current information at any time.
  • It is hard to find a technology partner that works in this underserved market and understands JCCs.
  • We are heavily involved in the JCC community and bring significant domain expertise and background knowledge of JCC operations to the table. We understand what you need and will work alongside you to achieve your goals.
  • An older system limits an organization’s online capabilities. It’s essential to stay on the technological forefront but difficult to keep up without a dedicated technology staff member.
  • We offer an all-in-one solution that empowers any staff member, even those with little-to-no technical expertise, 无缝更新您的网站. Our dedicated team of developers constantly innovate and push automatic enhancements to your platform over the web, 让你的技术跟上时代.
  • Using many different software solutions can lead to fragmented, inaccessible data and poor integration between websites and 会员 systems. This can frustrate staff and members alike.
  • With Freedom Software™, all data and systems are fully integrated. This means that you can easily access data across all five applications, rendering day-to-day operation and user experiences painless.
  • JCCs are high-value targets for data breaches.
  • Our blockchain ledger technology keeps your organization’s and members’ data safe and secure.

立博客户端app下载 has been a leading provider of Jewish Community Center (JCC) websites for more than a decade. In addition to being a JCCA-preferred website vendor, 立博客户端app下载 currently serves more than 75 JCCs, including four of the largest in the country—Dallas (TX), 奥兰治县(加利福尼亚州), 亚特兰大(GA), 夏洛特(北卡罗来纳州). We also work with a variety of other Jewish organizations, including Young Men’s/Women’s Hebrew 协会, 会堂, 犹太联合会, Jewish Family 服务 agencies, 和希勒尔.  

We provide these organizations with a total software solution that empowers them to serve their members with excellence, and we share best practices across the industry. Our software spans across marketing, 会员, 销售, 以及财务部门, empowering JCC staffs to serve their communities’ needs.


With our 20-plus years of expertise and our total software solution, 立博客户端app下载 is uniquely equipped to meet the needs of JCCs and other organizations, 无论大小, and we have a passion for doing so. Our CEO/president has been heavily involved in community service and outreach and understands the value these organizations provide. We hope to continue innovating and meeting JCC needs. As a means of understanding those needs better, we attend every JCC conference and travel the nation to meet with our customers. 

To see some of the organizations we work with, check out our 投资组合!
