New Economic Development Website Launch: Grow in Milford

Published: Tuesday, March 29, 2022 | Tags: Case Study, economic development organization case study, economic development websites, EDO Websites

We are pleased to announce a new website launch for Grow in Milford. This economic development website supports the business development and expansion for the city of Milford, Delaware. This city is known for proudly combining traditional small-town values with unconventional imagination and artistic sentiment. The top industries in this region are manufacturing, healthcare, social services, and retail, and this EDO's new website does a great job at showcasing opportunities for new business. 

New Economic Development Website Launch: Grow in Milford

Content Management Tools & Features for Economic Development Organizations

Using 立博客户端app下载’s website and CMS software, the Grow in Milford staff also has access to all of the following features:

  • Add unlimited web pages
  • Make content changes and customize the homepage
  • Upload images, PDFs, and files into a file manager
  • Create unlimited forms
  • Manage menu navigation control 
  • Share blog articles and news updates
  • And so much more!

We wanted to highlight some key features of this economic development’s new website and showcase these design and navigation options in case you’re looking for some inspiration to implement onto your organization’s site. 

Table of Contents:


City of Milford navigation - economic development organizations best websites and CRM

  • The main navigation on Grow in Milford’s site has a sticky menu, which means as you move down the page, the menu stays fixed to the top of the web page. This functionality allows visitors to scroll quickly and move around the site.
  • Also in the navigation is a site search bar that gives users the ability to search for content and resources across the website. [Learn more about why your EDO needs to use a search function on your website.]
  • Economic development organizations need to have key industries and available properties listed in the navigation like Grow in Milford has displayed. Download our free sitemap tool to help you create or update the best categories for your navigation.



  • Grow in Milford’s website was created using a component-based design, which is highly customizable and allows staff members to share content across multiple pages quickly. 
  • On the homepage of this economic development site is a hero image slider with headlines and quick links that transition on each new slide. 
  • If you scroll down the homepage, you will find the latest news, business owner testimonials, and a demographic overview of the region. These sections can be easily updated using 立博客户端app下载’s Freedom CMS for economic developments.

Featured Web Pages


  • On About Milford is a helpful table of contents on the left rail, allowing visitors to navigate other sections of the website easily.
  • Key Industries displays vital information about employment in the Milford area. The data is arranged with a grids and frames format, and each industry is denoted by its color. If you hover over an industry, important data such as the number of people in the workforce and the margin of error appear. 
  • This same format is also applied to the Workforce web page. The City of Milford uses data from the Census Bureau ACS 5-year estimate. 
  • The Business Resources page has highly valuable content. Instead of using secondary navigation with separate web pages, there is main navigation embedded on this page with ten different categories ranging from economic development incentives to monthly funding opportunities. Site visitors click on a topic from this Business Resources page, and everything stays organized, which makes a great user experience. 
  • The News page on this site was built with 立博客户端app下载’s Blog Module, allowing this organization to display all updates in a lister view and tag announcements. There is also an archives section on the left rail of the page, so previously published content can be accessed. Users can also apply a filter to news articles to find even more specific content. 

Grow in Milford manages it all with 立博客户端app下载 Freedom, our all-in-one website and membership management software for economic development organizations. They can manage their website content, marketing tactics, events, news, members, and more, all in one place. This eliminates workarounds and removes the juggling of multiple accounts and software systems to accomplish a single task. Get in touch to learn more about how 立博客户端app下载 Freedom can help your economic development organization. And in the meantime, you can check out other EDOs we have worked with by viewing our Portfolio.

We LOVE working with non-profits. See what 立博客户端app下载 could do for you!

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Be Visible, Be Successful! Showcase Your Region's Potential

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