
Published: Thursday, August 20, 2020 | Tags: Association Case Study, Association Websites, Associations, Case Study, Membership Management Software, Total Software Solution, Website, Website Design

Cascade Employers Association is not only building better workplaces, 但他们也创新地创造了一个令人难以置信的会员体验,通过推出他们的全新, fully integrated website. 

COVID-19 has changed the requirements of Associations, 为活动和会议提供虚拟存在的苛刻技术, and that websites are responsive and intuitive to members’ needs. Cascade雇主协会是一个拥有自己网站的组织的杰出例子, marketing, membership, finance, and sales CRM all native to one total software solution. 我们想突出他们网站上的顶级功能,并祝贺该协会对其成员的投资. 

Table of contents:

Website Design and User Experience

毫无疑问,Cascade雇主协会有一个漂亮的,定制设计的网站. The unique design features overlapping geometric elements and shapes. A hero video autoplays on the homepage. Their main navigation is listed twice on the homepage, traditionally on the top of the hero video, as well as beneath it with icons, a description and a call-to-action to learn more. 这是非常深思熟虑的,以帮助他们的成员(和潜在的选民)浏览网站. 每个主导航菜单选项都有一个定制和精心制作的登陆页面. 

Website Design and User Experience

就在页面的下方是与COVID-19相关的所有内容的杰出资源指南. 主页上的活动列表还展示了所有即将举行的活动,并对活动进行了简要说明.

Brief description of the events

Upon landing on the COVID-19 Resources 页,您将看到所有信息是如何按主题和资源分类的. This landing page is packed with valuable information including alerts, FAQs, resources, survey data and guidance to navigate through recovery.


COVID-19 Resources landing page


Cascade Employers Association also has surveys, posters, and more for purchase on their website. Users can search for items, customize the quantity count, their type, and company size before adding to their cart and checking out. 

Cascade Employers Association product directory


立博客户端app下载 Freedom中的Pages模块允许Cascade在整个网站中显示独特的组件. A component is a panel of information that is displayed in a custom format. 组件的例子包括标题为Membership的彩色块,它被左调整,图像被右调整, as well as the icons displaying the sub-navigation with calls-to-action.

Cascade Employers Association membership section


该协会网站上的会员部分非常值得注意. On the Membership Benefits and Options page, 有一个自动计算器可以帮助潜在会员根据全职员工的数量计算他们的会费. The FAQ page has drawers that drop down the answer to each question. Questions can also be answered by typing into the search by the FAQ page. 

Membership Benefits and Options page


The Upcoming Training page is also extremely interactive. 用户可以按类别搜索培训,并通过列表或日历视图查看即将发生的事件. 培训注册页面显示非会员价格,如果会员登录,则自动显示会员价格. 注册页面还允许用户将事件链接到他们的日历. 

Upcoming Training


Total Software Solution 

Cascade Employers Association eliminated the use of third-party software, 通过简化为一个完整的软件解决方案,导出和导入各种数据并使用多个登录. Using one software system encourages staff and member usage and efficiency. Built on Amazon Web Services and using top-tier technology, Cascade Employers Association通过云托管,并使用最新的安全功能,包括面部识别和区块链. Another feature this Association can access through Freedom 是一个动态的工业数据搜索,细分搜索结果的成员, events, invoices, web pages, pages and directory items.  

Total Software Solution


Operations/Membership Management 

如果你给成员提供合适的工具,他们就能与你的组织产生巨大的协同作用. With the Membership application, Cascade is able to manage their events, member profiles/accounts, dues, business directory, contact databases, and sign-up forms of all types.

Operations/Membership Management


Finance Application

财务应用程序加强了现有的会计软件,而无需替换它. This application provides end-to-end invoices, collects payments, creates invoices, receives dues, and the sales subsidiary ledger provides financial reporting.



通过良好的在线和营销体验来提高会员参与度是协会最重要的目标之一. Cascade雇主协会正在使用立博客户端app下载 Freedom的营销工具来创建和安排活动, manage lists and subscribers and view analytics. 该应用程序的其他营销功能包括创建调查, polling members, and lead generation to nurture high-value prospects.


Sales CRM 

Your members and customers are your golden egg. Cascade雇主协会使用的销售应用程序允许他们吸引新会员, manage the sales pipeline, create new leads, set custom stages, and track the sales process from start to finish. 他们还可以跟踪会员数据,将客户分组,并建立销售目标. 


Nontechnical Reporting 

收集数据和报告是协会日常工作的一部分. 使用非技术报告允许工作人员提取会费报告和关于成员的分段信息. 

如果你有兴趣推出一个网站或像Cascade Employers Association这样的整体软件解决方案, 请立博客户端app下载,立博客户端app下载的人会与您联系. 

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If you’re struggling to keep up with technology, 将不同的软件拼凑在一起可能会为您的团队创建混乱的数据和令人困惑的工作平台. 技术在不断发展,很难跟上所有的变化.

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