
发表: 2012年8月23日星期四 |标签: 观众, 商会数字化战略, 商会, 钱伯斯, 本地上市公司, 本地搜索, 当地的搜索引擎优化, 扫描电镜, 腔室扫描电镜, 搜索引擎优化, 商会搜索引擎优化


Your car broke down, it’s 90 degrees outside, 和 the year is 1994. You don’t have an iPhone or a laptop, 和 Wi-Fi has not yet been invented. So how do you contact a local repair service? 

You walk to the nearest payphone 和 flip through the Yellow Pages to the “Auto Repair” section.

Fortunately, in the year 2012, it’s fast 和 easy to find a local business. 像谷歌和雅虎这样的搜索引擎! 开发了本地组件, review sites like Yelp help us make local buying decisions, 和 the Yellow Pages has digitized itself into YellowPages.com.

An estimated 29% of PC searches have local intent. In today’s post, you’ll learn how to capitalize on these 本地搜索es by implementing 本地搜索引擎优化策略,包括:

  • Using local keywords to optimize your web content
  • Submitting your chamber to 本地上市公司 sites
  • Claiming 和 optimizing existing 本地上市公司


当地的 keywords are simply keywords that include a geographic location – it could be a city, 状态, 县, 甚至连街道的名字都没有. 回想一下 以前关于关键字选择的课程, 和 try to figure out what types of 本地搜索es your 观众 might be performing.



When you add your website to an online business directory or local review site, you are creating a 当地的清单 你的房间. The information you provide in your 本地上市公司 should include basic contact information (phone number, address, email) as well as descriptive information about your business (products/services, 员工人数, 总统的名字).

There are many benefits to submitting a 当地的清单 你的房间, including:

  • Increased visibility in SERPs for "local intent" search queries.
  • 额外的反向链接到您的网站. 
  • A faster, easier search experience for your 观众

需要帮助提交您的本地列表? 点击这里!


Sometimes your chamber has been automatically added to 本地上市公司 websites. 在这种情况下, you’ll need to claim management of the listing by going through a simple verification process (usually, you’ll receive a postcard in the mail with a pin number).

It’s important to claim management of listings that have been created automatically or by another individual because you can provide more detailed, 准确的信息. The more information you can share, the better!

需要帮助索赔一个现有的上市? 点击这里!



By creating (or claiming) your 谷歌+当地 page, your chamber listing will be accessible through Google search, 地图, 手机和Google+. 谷歌+当地 injects a social component into 本地搜索, allowing users to write reviews 和 recommend places to their friends. And Zagat is now a part of Google+, providing ratings for dining 和 entertainment venues.By creating (or claiming) your 谷歌+当地 page, your chamber listing will be accessible through Google 

NOTE: 谷歌+当地 replaced the search engine’s former local business directory, Google Places. However, you will still use Google Places to manage your 谷歌+当地 listing.

雅虎! 当地的宾当地

Even though these two search engines don’t receive as much buzz as Google, 雅虎! 仍然有13个.8%的搜索市场份额,而必应是15%.3%. Don’t miss out on the thous和s of 本地搜索es performed on these sites!


Yelp is a 本地上市公司 website many people turn to for trustworthy reviews. The best 和 most frequent contributors are given “Elite” status, 有形的奖励, 以及Yelp社区的尊重. If you happen to receive a negative review from an “Elite" contributor, be sure to resolve the problem 和 get back on his good side.


MerchantCircle uses great categories like Business to Business, 专业服务, 和社区来组织列表. Get your chamber registered on this site pronto! 


Submit your chamber website to industry-specific directories like ChamberFind.com. You should also utilize location-specific directories. For example, a chamber in North Carolina should submit a listing to 北卡罗来纳InfoPlus.

更多的本地列表网站,请查看 Hubspot’s list of 50 local business directories.


当地的 搜索引擎优化 is a particularly important tactic for 钱伯斯 of commerce because 你的受众是本地的. Get found by local potential members by optimizing your web content with local keywords, 将你的网站提交给本地列表, 和 enhancing your listings with as much information as possible. 别让你的房间错过了 29%.


Here are a few resources to help you submit 和 claim 本地上市公司:

Getting started with a local business listing on Google Places

Listing 和 Claiming Your Business with 雅虎! 当地的

Complete Guide to Bing’s New 当地的 Business Portal

7 Ways To Use Yelp To Improve Your 当地的 Business


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Here are some other articles you might enjoy reading:

搜索引擎优化 Best Practices for Redesigning Your 网站


搜索引擎优化 for Chambers, Part 1: Crawling 和 Indexing



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